Thursday, 30 July 2015

July Envie

I made another altered envelope this month. I thought I might not be able to for personal reasons and when I sat down to do the linework I could feel my hands trembling. I had to take extra special care to have accurate outlines, otherwise the envie would have looked like I drew it while riding the bus. I was assured by the recipient that she had not noticed and so I thought I might post it here. I am not sure if you can see it on the picture but I used glitter gel pens for additional details.

If anybody from the Afa webpage is looking in, you have probably already seen this one in the gallery. It will be very quiet here regarding "new" art from me until the end of the hols, when half the brood is back in school for half the day ;-)

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Home Shroom

I don't think this one needs any explanation. Glad to be back. As we are still in the middle of summer hols posting or arting may not always be possible, I will try to get arting and posting done whenever I get a spare minute.