Monday, 26 October 2015

In case you get bored

I also figured some of you might get fairly bored with all the tangle patterns that I have been posting lately, so I am posting a second post today with some atcs I have been making for a wonderful lady in Texas I am having monthly trades with. I would love to post even more pics of stuff I have been up to but some are trades that are still not completed and I do not want to spoil the surprises...

For this months trade with my awesome partner I chose poisonous and/or carnivorous plants. I know she likes the carnivorus ones and I have already made her arted up envelopes and rolos on that subject. 
She in turn has sent me some awesome Toadstool atcs last month and a special surprise in the shape of a 5x7 canvasboard with another Toadstool on it. I hung it next to my bedroom door so I can see it every day when I pass my door. I hope you read this post K. and please know that all your lovely gifts you sent me are very much appreciated over here. 

Here I give you the classic Venus Flytrap, Sundew and the Poisonous Nightshade.

1 comment:

A Mynah Production said...

Ooh! These are fun! ...and I know what you mean about not being able to post some fact, I'm waiting for weirdy mail to reach you and Cecileb. I'll post a share of it, when it gets there. :)