Saturday 7 May 2016

I love art hands

Yes, I do. I absolutely love working with the hand and finger shape, and the ones I posted today went to two people very close to my heart. The first hand was made for my longest and best friend back home in Germany. I would have loved to give it to her in person but it will be a while until I can visit her and I will make her something else for the occasion!

Anyway, this is the front of the hand I made for her. I wanted to make it really colourful and I also added lotsof glitter gel pen, you can't see it though, it doesn't come out in the picture.

And this is the back (done with markers)

And I could not help myself, this is what "Envie Addicts Unite" has done to me, I just HAD to art up the envelope as well. Teehee, it is a padded envelope (bulky) and when my friend said to me she would feel guilty to throw it out I said to keep it. I have no idea how she is going to store it, I would probably use it to store received EAU envies inside...

And the other hand I made needs a bit more of an explanation with it. I made it from another friends hand shape. This friend has in the past more than encouraged me to explore my arty side and she also got me started on a major project that will probably keep me busy for another year. 
She writes songs (and probably poetry as well) and her (very) own music, and she also is into Astrology. She likes spiders and in her own way is a doomsday prophet. (I wonder what she is going to make of this des riptioon). All of these themes have found their way onto her hand.


I redid all the webs and the spiders in glitter gel pen, and also the planet notes, but the pictures doesn't do it full justice.

The back is done in acrylics, marker collage and polymer clay...

I have wanted to make her a self destruct button for a loong time, and this one glows in the dark, too! How long will she need to discover that? (Muahahaha!)
I protectively wrapped it into this ( the most telling ingredients list on the back: sugar, syrup, honey, more sugar, some added glucose and then carbohydrates)

And then mailed it in this

Maybe I should mention she lives just down the road from me? Envie Addicts, this is all your fault! ;)


Miss Iowa said...

Don't blame us! lol. You had it in you all along. Great projects!

A Mynah Production said...

I love the hands. There's something about art'in on a shape that makes the art even more grand! If your friend likes to journal, she could turn your Envie into a journal cover. ;)

Donna said...

This was so fun to read! Your friend is going to love her hand! Both your friends...I really like the one with spiders on it. I love spiders! Both of my daughters in law are afraid of spiders and I give them both a hard time about it. All in good fun though, nothing mean spirited. Here in Kansas we have these little black hairy jumping spiders that love to inhabit the house. The girls always point them out to me when they come to visit and I always tell them they are bigger than those tiny little spiders. I let the spiders stay in the house because they catch flies and the one thing I hate more than anything else in the world is house flies! At the moment there are two of them in the house. One of them is on the ceiling in the room I'm sitting in right now.

And Miss Iowa is right....EAU was just the catalyst to get the art coming out of you in droves. It was always there, we really had nothing to do with it!